We will help you with the choice of a flag, provide fast and high-quality registration of your vessel, as well as provide services for maintaining registration throughout the entire period of the vessel's stay in the Register of your choice.
Our Office of Representative Offices of Maritime Administrations in Ukraine efficiently and quickly provides services for the registration of ships under the flag of various Maritime Administrations, and also ensures the issuance of originals of registration certificates and other necessary documents on the day of registration.
Yachts, like any expensive property, must be competently formalized and have the necessary set of documents for safe operation in any water area, be it the coastal zone, the Mediterranean Sea or the ocean. Yacht registration secures your ownership and gives you the right to sail under your chosen flag.
We will help you with the choice of the flag for your yacht, provide fast and high-quality registration of your yacht in full compliance with the legislation of the chosen jurisdiction, and also provide services to maintain registration throughout the entire period of the yacht's stay in the Registry of your choice. When registering, we not only provide the procedure itself, but also provide constant advice on various issues (choice of flag, registration procedure, further annual renewal, etc.).
Yacht Insurance
Yacht insurance is an insurance policy that provides indemnity liability coverage on pleasure yachts. Yacht insurance includes liability for bodily injury or damage to the property of others and damage to personal property on the yacht.
Marine Insurance
We are in a close cooperation with Insurance institutions supporting Marine Insurance that covers cargo losses or damage caused to ships, cargo vessels, terminals, and any transport in which goods are transferred or acquired between different points of origin and their final destination.
You can choose coverage options appllicable to your specific trade. Coverage requirements can differ, so shipping businesses can choose an insurance plan that is customized. We assist to choose the coverage according to the size of the ship and routes taken.
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